HARRIS Streamlined straight Stitch Sewing Machine Instruction Manual (Download)

  • £4.25

This is a  .pdf download of the manual for the Harris Streamlined Straight Stitch sewing machine.

The firm of W. J. Harris was not a sewing machine manufacturer but was originally a bicycle retialer. (Sewing machines were often sold in bicycle shops, particularly in the early days) over time they added more goods, mechanical and/or made from iron and steel, to their own branded range. As well as sewing machines these included baby's cots and cribs. In about 1960 they dropped the bycicles & increased the range of baby and child related goods they sold.  By the mid 60s they dropped eveything else, including  the sewing machines, and rebranded themselves as 'Mothercare'

This manual is also available as a  printed version.

It has 18 Pages and UK postage and packing on printed copies is free.