We have a huge collection (1000s) of instruction manuals which we are currently in the process of scanning to the computer so that we can provide either printed booklets or downloads. Unfortunately this is a slow process and is likely to take rather a long time.

If you require a manual for a particular machine, which we do not have listed, please contact us by phone or email and we probably have it.

If you are not sure what your machine is, has no identification or is of an unusual make, then if you can email a good clear picture of the whole of the front of the machine and we can usually identify it.

Steve is great at looking at machines and identifying what they are, especially when they are sold under more than one brand name or 'badged' machines.

We will always do our best to supply you with a manual.

Call us on 01502 714234 if you would like more information.

Steve, Sue & the team.